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Carti PDF online gratis: ,,CHINA, MAYBE! by COSTACHI S.E. .PDF,,

"The authors deny that I would be an author.
The actors deny that I would be an actor. The authors
tell me: you are an actor who makes the author. The
actors tell me: you are an author who makes the actor.
Some do not want me in their own category. Only the
scenographers tolerate me. "

Dario Fo, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature,

Chapter I


Summer is coming to an end. It is raining
heavily across the west coast of America. Even if it's
night, the atmosphere is very hot. The earth is still hot
and blue steam is dissipating in the air making it
unbreathable. The air outside is stifling, and the cabin
is too hot. In the background, in the curve, you can
hear the long creaking and the rare, jerky creaking of
the big wheels of heavy, rectangular trucks, and a rain
of black, greasy splashes, thrown on either side, falls
on the sidewalk.
Two figures are lost in the darkness, rushing
past him. Stripped, long, they dissipate like two
mysterious shadows on the side of the road, like two
images too simple, vague, unworthy at this hour to be
noticed. Small drops ripple on the windshield and the
driver's eyes search through the thick haze for the
white stripe in the middle of the street.
If it had been day, perhaps beyond the grove
along which the road stretches, he would have seen
them running from the north over the vast, sun-burnt
plain, full of bare bushes and thickets, and then,
crossing the street, as it slides on the dark green
outline of the swamp on the right. Without knowing
that perhaps not far away, in front, hidden in the
curtain of clouds, it is a wall that rises suddenly to the
sky, to the angular ridges of the mountains, to the
sharp, rough peaks of the Sierra Madre massif.

Recomandăm: Hamlet Prinţ al Danemarcei de William Shakespeare

Recomandăm: 🚀 "Dark Matter" by Blake Crouch

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