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THE PASSION OF LIVING by Author: Costachi S.E. .PDF

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THE PASSION OF LIVING by Author: Costachi S.E.

Placed between the real and the imaginary, it wants to be
a short story dedicated to all those who love life and who
sometimes wonder where they come from, who they are
and where they go ...


< There is nothing new or invented. The divinity comes at
some point to reflect through its valuable messenger, the
MAN, everything he inherited, won or aspires to.>



Born on January 22, 1970 in Barlad, the author
Scarlatachi Catalin-Marius, pen name Costachi S.E.,
attended the classes of the gymnasium school and then of
the “Gheorghe Rosca-Codreanu” National College, the
mathematical-physical specialization from the same
He attended the courses of the Faculty of Chemistry
of the Polytechnic University “Gh. Asachi” from Iasi
between 1989-1990, graduated from the Faculty of
Psychology of the University “Al.I.Cuza” between 1990-
1995 and between 1993-1999 the Faculty of General
Medicine of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy“
Gr.T. Popa” from the same university center.
For a while he worked as a psychologist (in the field
of clinical psychology and psychotherapy) in the
psychiatric ward of a hospital unit and is currently a
specialist in family medicine.

Although he wrote some "promising" poems, as
many young people do, he was worthy of many tests of
creativity, so far he has not published any literary work.
Therefore, the public appearance of this creation is
intended to be the author's debut in the art world.
Despite its composition, the present writing
belongs to the lyric and not to the epic. In other words, a
new way of doing poetry.
The author, faced with a filthy world in which the
essential dimensions of the human being have been
eliminated and replaced to the point of rejection with too
much materiality, he says a categorical "NO".
With all the evidence that tells us that life is not
worth living, I chose the opposite: that of exhausting my
existence to the end in the position of an awkward
How can I exhaust this existence By living in
another universe: that of books, in which the word is
omnipotent. Because in the beginning it was the word...
and because, in the end, the whole word will have to
change the world.

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